這個頁面上的內容需要較新版本的 Adobe Flash Player。

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LEDforum 2012 Guangzhou is free to attend this year, but attendance is approval/invitation-based. Please register online first. Upon the completion of your registration, you will see an online message indicating a successful registration (which means our system has your registration information). Note that only approved inquiries will receive our online invitation letter within 7 business days of registration.

Morning Session + Session I:
The Big Future of LED Lighting Industry in 2012

Morning Session + Session II:
The Key to Technological Strength in 2012

Note: Register before early bird deadline, April 20, 2012, to save 200 RMB for your own forum handout discount (Standard price: 500 RMB; Cash only).

Platinum Sponsors:
(in alphabetical order)