為什麼要贊助LEDforum 2008?
LEDinside為全面性的LED產業趨勢及情報分享平台,而LEDforum則是LEDinside年度成果分享。台灣是全球LED產業關鍵推手,透過贊助本研討會,您將獲得一次獨特的宣傳推廣機會,在眾多相關廠商面前展示其企業形象、享受絕佳曝光、能主動接觸業界上中下游的重要決策者,做垂直的整合行銷, 藉此拓展您的貿易版圖以及增進品牌商譽。除此之外,透過此次贊助,您還可將獲得的研討會門票提供給您的客戶,建立彼此更良好的關係。
銀級贊助 |
鑽石贊助 |
- 研討會網頁中、英文首頁放置贊助商LOGO,並連結到該贊助商首頁。
- 研討會網頁內頁設置贊助商介紹專區,放置贊助商公司簡介 (200字內)與網址。
- 研討會會議室外展示桌(含桌布,180*60)及電源提供。
- 研討會現場投影片放置贊助商LOGO。
- 研討會相關官方宣傳品放置贊助商LOGO。
- 贊助商宣傳品可隨著研討會專用手提袋一起發放。
- 贊助商會後報告一份。
- 研討會首頁上放置公司banner。
- 休息時間播放90秒公司宣傳短片。
- 研討會現場擺設海報一張。
- 一面A4全彩廣告刊登在研討會講義內頁。
- 放置banner(600x60)於LEDinside Weekly 3種語系(簡繁中及英文)一次(價值新台幣6萬元)。
- 與會來賓資訊一份。
*10月3號前簽約之贊助商可獲的20% off的折扣
Why sponsor LEDforum 2008?
LEDinside is a global leading LED intelligence provider, and the annual LEDforum offers a perfect occasion for participants to meet face-to-face with major industry players in Taiwan. There are numerous benefits in becoming a LEDforum sponsor. The biggest advantage is that LEDforum allows your company to directly reach a group of self-selected audience, including the most influential industry
Silver Sponsorship |
Diamond Sponsorship |
- 5 complementary tickets
- Logo and link to conference web site
- Company bio on conference web site (about 200 words in Traditional Chinese)
- One 180x60 cm booth space outside the conference room, including table, tablecloth and power
- Logo on conference promotional items such as promotion letters, handout booklet, and etc.
- Permission to deliver giveaway to attendees via LEDinside
- One after-conference report
Includes all Sliver Benefits Plus:
- Banner on conference web site
- 90-second display video during conference breaks
- One display poster in conference room
- One full-color advertising page (A4 size) in conference handout booklet
- Banner (600x60 pixel) on LEDinside weekly newsletter in three different languages (English, Simplified and Traditional Chinese) for one time
- List of conference participants’ contact information
leaders and decision-makers. You will be able to target your ideal clients / buyers and to network with your industry peers for new business opportunities.
Sponsorship Types and Benefits
Early Bird Discount “20% off” for Sponsorships Received by October 3rd, 2008
Ms. Jocelyn Chen
+886-2-7702-6888 ext.620 |
Ms. Lilia Huang
+886-2-7702-6888 ext.680 |
Ms. Ann Chang
+886-2-7702-6888 ext.680 |
pr@ledinside.com |